The Art of Electronic ErrorCollect
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The Art of Electronic ErrorCollect
P88 '高达320欧电阻'→低达,电容阻抗太小,阻抗搞得时候才能默认忽略
P188 LM324 输出部分同英文版不符合
instance). Output: QIS pulls the output down and can sink plenty of current, but it goes only to within a diode drop of ground. Outputs below that are provided by the 50pA current sink, which means you can't drive a load that sources more than 50pA and get closer than a diode drop above inputs ground. Even for "nice" loads (an open circuit, say), the current source won't bring the output lower than a saturation voltage (0.1V) above ground. If you want the output to go clear down to ground, the load should sink a small current to ground; it could be a resistor to ground, for instance. Recent additions to the family of pnp- input single-supply op-amps include the precision LT 1006 and LT 10 14 (single and quad, respectively) and the micropower OP-20 and OP-90 (both single), and LP324
P204 稳定性标准中 "防止震荡...环路增益为1" → 闭环增益为1